Ayurveda is the oldest healthcare system and way of staying healthy in the world. Dating back more than 5,000 years ago. It’s spread across China, Greece and the rest of Europe. It’s what all modern medicine is based on.
Many modern ideas that we are all familiar with about healthy living – like eating healthily and going to bed early originate from its ideas.
But at some point health advice became a one-size fits all approach. Ayurveda is different from this because everyone’s bodies are considered individual and unique. A diet, or exercise regime that works for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for another, which makes sense right?!?! Because let’s face it as humans we don’t all fit into one box do we! That’s the beautiful thing about us.

The Ayurvedic tradition is based upon the idea people are all a mix of different energies, a unique balance, with different tendencies. We can see this when we consider how we might like a certain type of favourite treat, whether that’s an olive, or even a smelly cheese to eat that a friend of ours might turn their nose up at. In Ayurveda the idea is to master ourselves and know what works for us and our body and what doesn’t. It’s about creating balance and harmony and understanding what we need to do for ourselves to create the conditions for perfect health. It’s also about becoming aware of what doesn’t work for us and letting the things that are no longer serving our health, or happiness go.
As an Ayurvedic health counsellor its my job to empower you with this knowledge to help you find the healthiest possible path for you.