I am delighted to now be offering Ayurvedic treatments and sound therapies on Wednesdays as well as Sundays at About Balance in the heart of the North Laines in Brighton.
Ayurvedic face massages are just one of an incredible selection of Ayurvedic treatments that I carry out at the About Balance wellness centre on Gloucester Place. They are designed with thousands’ of years worth of ancient wisdom for restoring life force-energy flow to the face, smoothing out fine lines and preventing deterioration.
Mukhabhyanga pictured here is a powerful and nourishing natural alternative to treatments like facelifts, botox and fillers and revitalises and firms the face by massaging marma points (energetic meridians) to restore youthful glow and vitality.

A powerful Ayurvedic oil blend for the skin containing franckincense and other herbs are used.
Marma points on the face are also utilised in Ayurveda to help with a range of other conditions like TMJ, headaches, sinus congestion, allergies, pulmonary congestion, cervical and testicular pain, snoring and ADHD.
Best booked as a course of six weekly treatments, followed by a once a month top up. The face massages are lovely and relaxing treatments and you will notice a glow after just one!
Come and try one for yourself. Contact About Balance on to book on 01273 686882
Most clients nod off during this treatment, or just want to lay there and fall asleep afterwards- so why not double the luxury by booking a sound therapy to melt away to afterwards!