Turmeric is revered in Ayurveda for its many health benefits, it has so many different health-giving functions and positive effects on the dhatus, or tissues of the body. That’s one of the reasons why turmeric is sometimes lovingly referred to as the golden goddess.
Curcumin which is contained within it has strong anti-oxidant properties that fight cell damage, protecting the body from oxidative stress. Diets rich in these antioxidants may help lower your risk of infections and disease according to a number of scientific studies.
Curcumin and cinnamon have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is thought by many scientists to have a major role in chronic diseases like cancer, alzheimers and heart disease, so incorporating them into your diet is a great idea.
This milk is good for inflammation, helps boost immunity, is good for healthy brain and joint functioning, as it strengthens bones and cleanses the blood, it improves mood. It feels nourishing and grounding to drink and it is great for the lungs and the complexion- what’s not to love!
Golden Milk, or haldi doodh is a staple of ayurveda, it is excellent for calming the vata dosha in winter, but can be drunk all year round, if you are vegan then substitute the milk for almond, or coconut milk
1 teaspoon of coconut oil
Half a teaspoon of black pepper
I cup of milk
1/4 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon of cinnammon
Honey, or maple syrup to taste – optional
Melt the coconut oil in the pan on a low heat. Turn to medium heat and fry the turmeric and black pepper for a couple of minutes, add in the water.
Add the milk and cinnamon and bring to the boil, lower heat and stir constantly, continuing to cook on medium heat until there is 1 cup of liquid left. Pour into a cup and leave to cool down for a few minutes. You can then add in honey, or maple syrup to taste if you like. Enjoy!