Ageing is a natural part of life and is a wonderful privilege to be celebrated.
However premature ageing of the skin can be a sign that we are not looking after ourselves as much as we could be.
I’m 43 and people often ask me why I look younger than I am.
Ayurvedic face massage is one of my Ayurvedic beauty routine secrets! It works by massaging ancient energetic pressure points called marmas. The massages are designed to heal imbalance and prevent deterioration and premature ageing of the face that is caused by prana, or life-force energy not flowing properly.
The face massages I do firm and plump the face, increase circulation and smooth out wrinkles. They are for people looking for a relaxing and healthier natural alternative to the injections, fillers and facelifts that have become a commonplace choice for women today. There is no judgement here btw. Everyone must do what they feel is right for them. I firmly believe in supporting and celebrating other women and respecting their choices.
I have also studied Ayurvedic dermatology which tells us that we shouldn’t put anything on to our skin that we wouldn’t be willing to eat – as toxins can sink in to the deeper dhatus, or tissues of the body – which is why I prefer the natural route for myself.
The face massages that I perform in Brighton nourish the skin with oil that contains herbs that are excellent for skin like frankincense and rose. They use a number of points and pressure techniques to help boost collagen and smooth out wrinkles naturally. They will leave you glowing and restore vitality to the face.
I hope that more people come and experience the magic of this ancient wisdom. Not only is it good for you (as the points correspond to a number of organs and help improve certain conditions) It also makes your already perfect and lovely face look wonderful too. It’s a win-win!
I love hearing people snore in my treatments too! And this is a great one for that! It makes me very happy to see people relax and get their glow back.
You will see the difference after one. But six sessions weekly are recommended initially, followed by a once a month top up. Book in for one this Sunday, or Weds by calling About Balance on 01273 686882. Slots are available between 12 and 4pm on Sunday and 10-2pm on Wednesday.